An app that allows you to search for part-timers and part-time workers within the bicycle range. If you are looking for a part-time job for a housewife (husband) / senior, Yumex
Yumex posts job information for a variety of jobs, including part-time jobs, part-time jobs, temporary workers, and full-time employees, mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area, but nationwide.
The Yumex app is a community-based job search app that is perfect for housewives (husbands) and seniors and allows you to search for part-time jobs.
People in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, whose lifestyles change easily, can enrich their lives by working... In order to help you find such a job, we provide job information for part-time jobs, temporary staff, and employees. increase.
Yumex app for housewives (husbands) and seniors
・Convenient "Neighborhood search function" that allows you to search for jobs within a 15-minute bicycle ride, centering on your home!
You can search for a part-time job considering the time until nursery school or kindergarten, and the time when your child comes home.
・You can search for places you want to work part-time by "city" or "line/station"!
You can find a job in a city with a supermarket where you can shop and a park where you can take a break.
・ There are plenty of jobs that are perfect for the points that housewives (husbands) want to fulfill!
Housewives are active, and there is a job offer at a workplace that cooperates with sudden family circumstances.
・ Housewives (husbands) who are raising children and those who have graduated from raising children can also find jobs!
There are jobs with flexible shifts such as weekdays, daytime only, and short-time work.
There are jobs that can be done at home, such as home work and side jobs.
It is possible to search for a job while considering not only your precious family, but also your own schedule.
・There is a job where you can make use of the skills you have acquired.
There are jobs that you can try again for part-time jobs in halls/kitchens/supermarkets/deliveries that you have experienced in the past, as well as clerical and medical jobs that you have qualifications but have blanks.
・It's safe to have a job that you can do even if you're inexperienced!
You can search for jobs such as simple light work that anyone can do, cleaning that can be done with housework skills.
You can also search for part-time job information by job characteristics and free words.
●This is the point of Yumex's part/part-time job/job search app!
・With the neighborhood search function, you can search for part-time jobs within walking/biking/car distance.
・ You can search for part-time jobs by searching for prefectures and municipalities
・ You can search for part-time jobs by searching for routes and stations
・ Search for part-time jobs by time and work style
・ Search for part-time jobs by age and experience
・ Search for part-time jobs by time and work style
・ You can search for part-time jobs from popular conditions
・ You can search for part-time jobs by job category
・ You can search for jobs by employment type such as part-time job / temporary worker / employee
●Useful Yumex for job search and application!
・If you want to apply, you can apply immediately by clicking the button displayed on the details page, either online or by phone. Don't miss the chance to apply for a part-time job that makes you think, "This is it!"
・Even if you can't take your hands off of it right now, press the "I might like it!" Never miss a job you want to apply for.
・Because you can see the end date of the posting, you will not have to worry about "I thought I was going to apply..."!
(Early application is recommended, as some companies may close the recruitment depending on the hiring situation.)
Yumex is recommended for such cases of housewives (husbands) and seniors
・ I want to work at a workplace within 15 minutes on foot or by bicycle from home
・ I want to work at a workplace within 30 minutes by car
・It is better to shift in the morning, such as early morning, daytime, and until 12:00.
・Evening, day shift, night shift, etc. Shifts are best in the afternoon
・There are fixed days of the week that you can work, such as weekday work and weekend work
・ I want to work in a workplace where I can discuss the time and day of the week
・ I want to work for a short time to earn pocket money
・ I want to work in a workplace with a daily or weekly payment system
・ I want to work in a full-time job where I can earn a good amount of money
・No overtime work ・I want to work in a workplace with little overtime work
・ I want to work in fewer days, such as 1 day a week, 2 days a week, or 3 days a week
・ I want to find a full-time job that pays well
・ I want to work in contact with people
・ I want to do a job that moves my body
・I want to do a job that pleases people
・ I want a job that uses a PC
・ I want to do a job that makes use of the qualifications and skills I have acquired
・I want to do a sitting job
・ I want to work from home partly or fully
・ I want to do a job where I have few opportunities to interact with people
・ I want to work at W Work (side job)
・ I want to work in a workplace where people in their 30s are active, people in their 40s are active, people in their 50s are active, and people in their 60s are active
・ I want to work in a workplace where housewives (husbands) and child-rearing mothers are active
・ I want to work within the range from 9:00 to 16:00
・ I want to work within the allowance for dependents
・ I am looking for a workplace with a daycare center, or a workplace that accepts interviews with children.
・ I want to work at a workplace where I can consult about holidays due to family matters
・I want to work in a non-smoking or non-smoking workplace, or a workplace with a break space
・ I want to work at a workplace where transportation expenses are paid
・ I want to work in a workplace where there is employee appointment
・ I want to work at a workplace with paid holidays and mini bonuses
・ I want to work in a workplace with full benefits such as meal assistance and social insurance.
There are various cases where housewives (husbands) and seniors want to work.
At Yumex, we will support you in finding a part-time job.
■ Guidance
Support housewives (husbands) and seniors looking for part-time jobs!
Be sure to check out Yumex Net (web version), which is full of part-time job information!