You can find the perfect job such as “parts within 4 hours a day” and “work only on weekdays!” If you are looking for a part-time job, Shift Works!

主婦のバイト・パート・アルバイト探し - シフトワークス主婦 Screenshot
主婦のバイト・パート・アルバイト探し - シフトワークス主婦 Screenshot
主婦のバイト・パート・アルバイト探し - シフトワークス主婦 Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
・ Apps from popular services used by 5 million housewives a year! !
・ You can search for part-time job information that is perfect for housewives in just 30 seconds.
・ There are many job openings for busy housewives within 4 hours a day!
・ There is a perfect job for those who can only work on weekdays and work only on daytime!

An application that allows you to search for work that is welcomed by housewives (husbands) has appeared from [Shift Works], a part-time job information site that allows you to search for the day and time you want to work! !
Shiftworks is a job site with information on part-time jobs nationwide.

Recommended work for middle-aged and older students, housewives (housewives), such as part-time work of W work (side work), "high hourly wage / high income", "Saturdays, Sundays and weekdays only", "one day a week-short time OK" Is also substantial!
Shift works a little bit different point and other part-time job site is a shift search function.

This is a unique function of Shift Works that allows you to search for your preferred job by specifying the day of the week and the time you want to work.
Of course, you can also search for a part-time job from a wide range of search axes, such as the area where you live, the routes and stations that you usually use frequently, the type of job you want, and the conditions of your choice.

It's important to use the site's search function well as a part of finding a part-time job, but don't forget to check frequently for new jobs.

One day a week-Short-term OK and other popular part-time jobs may be closed immediately.
Always check the site to make sure you have a good deal. Shiftworks has a function that saves search conditions, and by registering jobs in the list you care about, you can compare multiple job information you are interested in, or immediately receive byte information when you visit the site again. There are functions that can be referenced.
There is a special page with a lot of part-time job information about popular occupations, special conditions, and popular areas. If you have a specific job category or conditions you would like, please use the feature page.
Shiftworks will support your part-time job!