Alba, do you want to go to work right away? Neighborhood part-time job, short-term part-time job, urgent part-time job, side job, two-job, etc.

동네알바 - 우리동네 알바, 단기알바, 부업, 일자리 Screenshot
동네알바 - 우리동네 알바, 단기알바, 부업, 일자리 Screenshot
동네알바 - 우리동네 알바, 단기알바, 부업, 일자리 Screenshot
동네알바 - 우리동네 알바, 단기알바, 부업, 일자리 Screenshot
동네알바 - 우리동네 알바, 단기알바, 부업, 일자리 Screenshot
동네알바 - 우리동네 알바, 단기알바, 부업, 일자리 Screenshot
동네알바 - 우리동네 알바, 단기알바, 부업, 일자리 Screenshot
동네알바 - 우리동네 알바, 단기알바, 부업, 일자리 Screenshot
동네알바 - 우리동네 알바, 단기알바, 부업, 일자리 Screenshot
1.12.0 ( )
Mar 27, 2023
The easiest way to find part-time jobs in my neighborhood!
Find a part-time job in 1 minute, go straight to work, find a part-time job nearby
If you are looking for a part-time job, get a job offer from the boss and apply for the job!
If you are looking for a nearby part-time job where you can go to work right away, offer a job to job seekers and hire them right away!
With the neighborhood part-time job, both the boss and the part-timer can easily complete the job search!

Recommended part-time job nearby job seekers!
• Register your profile, get job offers
I just registered my profile, but job offers come in from all over the place? If you are a part-timer who has been tired of waiting all day to propose first and contact you, join the neighborhood part-time job. When looking for a part-time job in my neighborhood, simply register your profile as a part-time job in the neighborhood, and get a job offer directly from the boss!
• Priority recommendation for part-time jobs in our neighborhood
The most important area when looking for a job! I simply specified the area and it was 2 hours away? Neighborhood part-time job first recommends part-time jobs in our neighborhood and connects places where you can go to work with a light heart. Find various jobs such as short-term part-time job, peripheral part-time job, home part-time job, and urgent part-time job!
• Conversing comfortably through the app
Stop talking through text messages and KakaoTalk! You can have a conversation with the boss through the in-app chat function without feeling pressured. Chat conveniently with the app, and save time and money on interviews!

Connecting to a part-time job near the boss!
• A list of part-time jobs near the area that can be found in 1 minute
Directly connect to part-time jobs around our neighborhood with a list of recommended part-time jobs! You can conveniently find a part-time job by providing a list of nearby part-time jobs based on your profile. Easily search for part-timers with the conditions you want, and with an accurate matching rate, both the boss and the part-timer can find jobs happily!
• A part-time job you like, make a job offer first
What if you find a part-time job you like through the part-time job list in your neighborhood? Offer a job right away! If you are a boss who is looking for talents who can go to work in a hurry, such as short-term part-time jobs and urgent part-time jobs, you can easily and quickly hire them through neighborhood part-time jobs. If you propose a part-time job you like first, the hiring speed and hiring rate double!
• Recruit part-timers who are supported and ready to work
If you haven't found a part-time job to apply for first, post a job posting as a part-time job in your neighborhood and feel free to apply. You can simply enter only essential part-time job information such as field, day, time, hourly wage, and work area, and receive suggestions directly from part-timers in your neighborhood.
• Free of charge, casual use every day
Every day at 9:00 am, you can use it right away without having to wait for 24 hours by charging as much as you used the free pass. If you have been burdened with finding a part-time job to work in the meantime, join the neighborhood part-time job that you can easily use for free.

Convenient UI, easy job search
• Easy job management with direct attendance function
Direct commute function that goes up to the top of the part-time job recommendation list! Part-timers who need an urgent part-time job appeal with the direct attendance function, and the boss who needs an urgent part-time job hires part-timers to work right away and kills two birds with one stone! Neighborhood part-time job when looking for a part-time job or a part-time job that suits you!
• Job search status at a glance
Have you had a hard time figuring out the job search status because of the complicated UI? With just one tap, you can see exactly how popular your profile is and your support status.
• No worrying about waiting for a call!
What if you were anxious waiting for the reply from the part-time student who proposed the job, or the reply from the boss of the job you applied for? You can check the response rate and activity time of the neighborhood part-time job at once, so you can guess when a reply will come!

New trends in the job market
• Exceeded 1 million cumulative applications in a year and a half since app launch
The number of job offers from the neighborhood part-time job application, part-time job application in my neighborhood, exceeded 1 million cumulatively in a year and a half after the app was launched. Both the part-timer and the boss have opened a new horizon in the job market with a happy recruitment method.
• Quickly and accurately search for jobs in two ways: offer and support
Neighborhood part-time job changing trends in the job market, the boss can check the profile of part-time workers, propose employment first, and hire quickly and accurately. Part-time job offers are pleasant, and the boss quickly finds a part-time job he likes and everyone is happy.
• The easiest way to find part-time jobs around our neighborhood
If you are looking for an urgent part-time job, short-term part-time job, or a job that allows you to go to work right away, both the part-timer and the boss are matched in one minute! Easy part-time job recruitment with simple functions such as a list of part-time jobs in our neighborhood, a direct attendance function, job suggestions, and part-time job profiles!

Complete matching of all jobs and part-time jobs you want!
• Various jobs, wide search!
You can explore various part-time jobs such as side jobs, two jobs, home part-time jobs, vacation part-time jobs, student part-time jobs, tutoring, delivery, and outsourcing. Find a customized part-time job by setting the job, work period, day of the week, and time that suits you.
• Job search service tailored to our neighborhood to solve job shortage
Enough of the past days of posting announcements and just waiting! You can directly propose a job to a part-time worker who fits well with the store and receive support.
• Finding area-based part-time jobs
You can easily obtain a region-based part-time job that comes within your living radius, such as where you live or where you mainly work. If it's been hard to find a part-time job that fits you, buried in countless job postings, easily find a part-time job in your neighborhood!

Find part-time jobs in 1 minute with one hand
• Customized part-time job matching platform
We match various part-time jobs such as side jobs, two jobs, at-home part-time jobs, urgent part-time jobs, short-term part-time jobs, going straight to work, tutoring, student part-time jobs, delivery, and neighboring part-time jobs. With convenient features such as detailed filters, direct attendance function, and job offer through profile settings, find a job that suits you and find a part-time job that matches our store Success in 1 minute! The easiest way to find a part-time job in my neighborhood. The local part-time job is convenient for both the boss and the part-timer.

Neighborhood part-time job, recommended for people like this
▪ Part-timer looking for a part-time job for a student on vacation
▪ The boss who is looking for an urgent part-time job that can go to work right away
▪ Part-timer who wants to know information about part-time jobs around my neighborhood
▪ The boss who wants to find a part-time job that fits the store
▪ Part-timer looking for various jobs such as side job, two-job, home part-time job, tutoring, delivery, etc.
▪ The boss who wants to minimize the cost of hiring

Neighborhood Alba is listening to the opinions of users.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment.
Neighborhood Alba requires the following access rights to provide services.

[Optional access rights]
-Location: It is necessary to register the location of the work place and select the part-timer's desired region.
-Camera: Required for registering workplace, announcement, and profile photos and taking chat room photos.
- Files and media: Required for registering workplace, announcement, and profile photos and sending chatting photo messages.
The above permission is required to use certain functions,
You can use the service even if you do not agree to the permission, but there may be restrictions on the use of some features.

Developer Contact:
8, Gangnam-daero 53-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul