Start with the Kakao Project 100, a 100-day change that you practice and cheer together every day!

카카오프로젝트100 - 당신의 습관이 되다 Screenshot
카카오프로젝트100 - 당신의 습관이 되다 Screenshot
카카오프로젝트100 - 당신의 습관이 되다 Screenshot
카카오프로젝트100 - 당신의 습관이 되다 Screenshot
1.1.0 ( 21 )
Mar 27, 2023
A habit circuit that occurs in the brain if you continue to work for 100 days.
Authenticate your challenging missions every day for 100 days and start practicing for good change.
Now, make it easier to authenticate in the app, and support each other with members who are challenging the same.

◈ 100 Day Challenge Please continue like this.

-Enter your text, photos, and numeric data to authenticate today's mission.
-Set an authentication notification to receive ‘Authentication Notification Talk’ with Kakao Talk at a specific time every day.
-Please support the members' authentication posts with comments like 'Like (Heart)'.
-You can see at a glance not only the status of my certification, but also the status of certification of the project teams that have the same mission.
-I share the current status of the challenge with the 100-day certified stamp on my social account.

◈ Find the habits you need and find the good habits you need.

-Find and apply for the habits you need from various projects already opened during the application period.
-If you don't have the project you're looking for, open it yourself and become a project manager.
-There are good habits for individuals, but open and apply for neighbors, society, and even globally necessary practical projects.

◈ Use a variety of nudges to keep the 100-day challenge alive.

-Project 100 pays 'practice deposit' upon application. This deposit can be returned as much as you have fulfilled the mission, and you can donate it as a ‘Kakao-like value’ voluntarily as you did not.
-The more you participate in certification for each project or project 100 service, the more special gifts and experience opportunities are provided.
-You can talk to a member in the open chat room with members who are challenging the same, and feel a loose bond through the off meeting.

Kakao Project 100 is currently in beta service.
If you have any problems while using the app, please contact Kakao customer service.

[Project 100 App Access Permission Guide]
1) Required access rights: None
2) Selected access rights:
Photo: Used when attaching images in community writing, photo authentication, profile photo settings, etc.
Camera: Used when attaching a photo

You can use the service even if you do not agree to allow optional access. However, please consider that if you do not allow the photo-type authentication project, it will not be certified.