Make the same value as Target value by accumulating the number of boxes.

100 Plus (Math of Accumulated Screenshot
100 Plus (Math of Accumulated Screenshot
100 Plus (Math of Accumulated Screenshot
100 Plus (Math of Accumulated Screenshot
100 Plus (Math of Accumulated Screenshot
100 Plus (Math of Accumulated Screenshot
100 Plus (Math of Accumulated Screenshot
100 Plus (Math of Accumulated Screenshot
100 Plus (Math of Accumulated Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
There are Target value and boxes which has number.
Make the same value as Target value by accumulating the number of boxes.
To add the numbers, select a 1st box and move to up/down/right/left to select a next box with keeping touch your screen.
For Instance:
- 1st select a box which has number 11
- Then shift to 3 -> 12 -> 6. This means accumulated value is 11 + 3 + 12 + 6 = 32
- If target value is 100, need to select another values(boxes) to reach 100 by moving up/down/right/left on your screen.

Target vale is start from 100. When you clear a 1st game, next target value will be decided.