365 games app is a practical tool for P.E. teachers
The app contains an illustration, description, variations, and basic safety considerations for each game, instructing the game.
The current selection of games and activities with presented variations makes one of the largest collections of P.E. games and activities with over several thousand different physical activities.
The whole material could be easily accessible on your phone or tablet device. With just a few clicks, the best activity for the chosen group and situation could be found.
Also, the app has features that allow selection of games according to age (3-6, 6-10, 10-16 & 16+), equipment (balls, hoops, sponge noodles, bean bags, etc.), fitness (speed, balance, strength, etc.), way of movement (running, jumping, crawling, etc.), play area (indoor, outdoor, water, snow), formation (circle, row, line, etc.), group size (small, medium, large, etc), and type of activity (individual, team competition, tagging or relay games). Selecting the chosen category can help educators to choose the game according to available conditions, situations and work plans. E.g. There are 92 different tagging games, 116 relay games, 97 games that include hoops, 43 games that are played in circle formation, etc.
App also allows multiple category selection. I.e. There are 100 games that include balls, medium group size, recommended age 6-10, and for the indoor playing area.
Finally, with this tool different activities for every day of the year can present an important asset for fighting against youth inactivity and sedentary way of life and related problems.