Auto Wallpaper Changer Refresh your wallpaper everyday
You can set it as auto wallpaper changer that gently refreshes your home screen each day with beautiful wallpapers.
A inspiring wallpaper can really influence our mood and it is also a great way to express our unique personality. But many times we find it difficult to find a satisfactory wallpaper.
This is why we launched NexWall Wallpaper, a beautiful wallpapers & backgrounds sharing app, to make sure you always have a great wallpaper at hand every time when you need a new one.
NexWall is unique, we created it for your satisfaction. It is not just another wallpapers or backgrounds app, offering the same usual photos.
You will find your phone and tablet have never been so good-looking by using our creative high quality pictures as wallpaper and lock screen background.
If you have any questions, please contact us.