Huge collection of AIA and apk files for Thunkable , Appybuilder & Appinventor.
Here are some features of the app :
The app contains Thunkable aia files.
The app contains Makeroid aia files.
The app contains Appybuilder aia files.
The app contains Appinventor aia files.
The app is easy to use and with exclusive UI
Apk link of each aia file is also provided in the app.
and much more...
The app is fast and smooth, developers can easily download the file and upload them on various app inventor clones platform.
Aia files from each platforms are added in the app and they can be easily sorted according to the platform
Along with these the app supports both kind of aia files i.e paid and free aia files.
For any feedback/suggestion you can write us on