The AGN Client provides access to VPN and AT&T Wi-Fi hotspots around the world.
VPN Support:
The AT&T Global Network Client is compatible with smart phones and tablets running Android 4.0 or above. SSL VPN connections to the ANIRA VIG (network based tunnel server) and AVTS SIG (premises based tunnel server) are supported.
Wi-Fi Support:
The AT&T Global Network Client provides access to more than 1 million Wi-Fi hotspots in more than 100 countries.
Additional Information:
Please see the AT&T Global Network Client web site at for documentation and additional details on client usage, setup and configuration.
You must have AT&T Remote Access Services (ANIRA, AVTS, BIS, and MRAS) to use this application for either VPN or Wi-Fi. End users who require login credentials should contact their company's IT department. For information about AT&T Service please contact your AT&T Sales Representative.