AVS Events is a customizable digital platform for hosting all your events.

AVS Events Screenshot
AVS Events Screenshot
AVS Events Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
AVS Events is a customizable digital platform for hosting all your live in-person, virtual and hybrid events. Dozens of features to choose from including agenda, sessions by tracks, chat, Q&A, video on demand, live streaming, messaging, document sharing, push notifications, live polling, support for trade shows, sponsor recognition, gamification, networking, social component opportunities and much more. Attendees can build their own schedules and manage their own profile. Each event allows for custom branding and includes a detailed analytics engine to measure adoption. Contact us today to discuss your specific event needs: call toll-free 1.855.879.3950, email info@avstrategies.ca or find us online at avstrategies.ca Code: avs events,virtual event conference,live in-person,platform meeting stream,studio broadcast webinar