Facilitate Doctor to provide treatment to the patient through tele-consultation

Aarogya Seva Doctor Screenshot
Aarogya Seva Doctor Screenshot
Aarogya Seva Doctor Screenshot
Aarogya Seva Doctor Screenshot
Aarogya Seva Doctor Screenshot
1.6 ( 7 )
Mar 27, 2023
Doctor can reach patient without physical presence of patient in front of Doctor. Patient may be from anywhere staying safe at home. “Aarogya Seva Doctor” is an app for doctor for remote delivery of healthcare services and clinical information using telecommunications technology. Telemedicine application of e-Hospital suite is an initiative to bring health care service to the location & time that suits patients. Telemedicine application is connected with e-Hospital EHR platform; during follow-up tele-consultation EHR of existing patient will help doctor to provide better treatment. For new patient, electronic health record created during first tele-consultation will be available for subsequent follow-up treatment.