Abecedario es un aplicación educativa muy interesante que te permitirá enseñarle a tus hijos, sobrinos o nietos el alfabeto en castellano de una manera tan divertida que nunca se cansarán de aprenderuna nueva letra ni nuevos sonidos
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Web: http://fortaapps.wix.com/iniciomail: [email protected] Alphabet is a very interesting educational application to teach your children, nephews or grandchildren Castilian alphabet in such a fun way that I never gettired of learning a new letter or new sounds.This application provides you with a child and a table with all the letters in the alphabet, in both upper and lower case, so the little ones can learn from early how symbols in one way or anotherare written.When you accedáis every script you can see three simple examples of what words you type each letter and how they sound. They are accompanied not only the text written correctly, but anillustrative drawing for children to understand what it is. If you click on each you can hear how to pronounce, helping small to know perfectly every word.This tool is presented as a good way to introduce your children in the Castilian language, so it is very useful not only for Spanish-speaking parents, but for those guardians who want to teachchildren to learn Spanish gradually with a simple and adapted to interface all ages.
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Web: http://fortaapps.wix.com/iniciomail: [email protected]