Abhyaasa Pro is an updated version of the Abhyaasa app for the Art of Living.
Install the Art of Living app now and get exclusive access to Abhyaasa Pro’s
20+ blissful guided meditations of Sri Sri
All new Parental Yoga
Disha Pranayam in Telegu, Hindi and English
And of course Sudarshan Kriya, Padmasadhana, Chantings, Surya Namaskar, and everything that Guruji has taught us.
You can also get back to Art of Living app anytime from Abhyaasa pro and enjoy all the features.
Abhyaasa Pro has all the basic and popular features of Abhyaasa app. Like Abhyaasa, you can also here-
Personalize your daily Sadhana by customizing teacher, pace and almost everything.
Create tailor-made playlists with your favorite Kriya, Meditation and Chant.
Track your daily and monthly progress
Share Sri Sri Knowledge with your friends.