Visualize METOS sensor observations, weather forecast and agronomic services

Agronomax Climate Screenshot
Agronomax Climate Screenshot
Agronomax Climate Screenshot
Agronomax Climate Screenshot
Agronomax Climate Screenshot
Agronomax Climate Screenshot
Agronomax Climate Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
+ Better control of the weather on your field with personal OVERVIEW.
+ Hourly WEATHER FORECAST for exactly your field for the next 7 days.
+ DISEASE MODELS to keep a close eye over disease risks in your field are easily accessible.
+ Overview of water parameters, from rain to soil moisture in different depths, eases the SOIL MOISTURE control.
+ iMETOS iSCOUT is now just a click away and all the inhabitants of your field with it.
+ iMETOS CropVIEW allows you to watch your crops grow with the help of your phone.
+ New attractive MAP VIEW enables you to make a quick location check of your devices.