Solve 10 anagrams before the timer runs out. Multiple levels of difficulty.

Anagram Challenge Screenshot
Anagram Challenge Screenshot
Anagram Challenge Screenshot
Anagram Challenge Screenshot
1.0 ( 1 )
Mar 27, 2023

The aim of Anagram Challenge is to solve sets of ten anagrams before the timer runs out.

If you solve 8 out of the 10, the next level of difficulty is unlocked, but carry on and solve the remaining 2 to get an end-of-level bonus whose value depends on the time left on the clock.


Playing the game is very easy and there is also an on-screen prompt to remind you of what to do.

Firstly, you touch one of the 10 jumbled up words displayed on the screen to select it. This causes an enlarged copy of the selected word to appear near the bottom of the screen.

Then unscramble the letters in the enlarged word by touching, dragging and releasing a letter. Continue doing this until you have solved the anagram. When you have created a valid word, the enlarged copy is destroyed and the original word turns green and is locked.

If you are stuck on a word, just select another word from the list and come back to the problem word later if you have time.

When you have correctly solved 8 of the 10 anagrams, the next level is unlocked, but carry on solving the final 2 if you can, as this will give you an end-of-level bonus score.

Two levels of audible warning are given as the timer runs down. The words which have not been solved when the timer reaches zero are shown in red, and the correct solution is displayed.

If you manage to unlock the next level, selecting the right green arrow at the end of the level automatically selects the next level. Higher levels gradually increase the length of the anagrams, but additional time is allocated to solve them.

At the end of each level you also have the option of selecting the left green arrow which enables you to select any previously unlocked level so you can replay it and try to improve your score or try again to unlock the next level.

Note: Each time a level is replayed, a different set of words is displayed.