your move and stanley devotional apps

Andy Stanley Podcast Screenshot
Andy Stanley Podcast Screenshot
Andy Stanley Podcast Screenshot
Andy Stanley Podcast Screenshot
Andy Stanley Podcast Screenshot
Andy Stanley Podcast Screenshot
Andy Stanley Podcast Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Download this free app to “Andy Stanley Podcast”.

Charles Andrew Stanley (born May 16, 1958), known as Andy Stanley. He is founder of North Point Ministries, a Christian organization that has grown from one church in 1995 to seven in the Atlanta area, plus a network of more than 90 churches around the globe. A survey of U.S. pastors in Outreach Magazine identified Andy as one of the ten most influential living pastors in America.

Andy holds an undergraduate degree in journalism from Georgia State University and a master’s degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the author of more than 20 books, including Irresistible; Deep & Wide; Visioneering; Next Generation Leader; When Work & Family Collide; Ask It; and Enemies of the Heart.

This app allows you to:
- Watch the latest audio messages from Andy Stanley.
- Audio archives and automatic file management
- Share podcast with your friends.
- Simple, quick and easy to use.
- Clear audio and easy to use
- Most important of all, its FREE.

“Direction, not intention determines your destination.”

“Your beliefs shape your attitudes!”

“If it suddenly became impossible for us to cover up all the junk we normally hide from the rest of humanity, I have a feeling we would all get real motivated to deal with the source of what ails us.” (It Came from Within!: The Shocking Truth of What Lurks in the Heart)

“Past boldness is no assurance of future boldness. Boldness demands continual reliance on God's spirit.”

“Leadership isn't making all the decisions. It is making sure the right decisions are made.”

“The primary reason we do too much is that we have never taken the time to discover the portion of what we do that makes the biggest difference.”

“The Truth" Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

“If you require honesty from those you work with, then honesty must be a trait that characterizes you in all your roles.”

“Sometimes it is the destinations out of reach that create the circumstances God uses to remind that we are never out of his reach.” (The Principal Of The Path)

NOTE: Internet or WiFi connection is required in order for the app to access the audio messages and sermons. Andy Stanley's Sermons app is fresh every day: Weekly Message, Your Move and The Leadership Podcast.

We recommend you use only when WiFi connection in order for the app to access the audio messages and sermons.

The developer of this app is not a representative, affiliate or subsidiary of the North Point Ministries, but believes in what God is doing through her ministry (which is transforming lives with the gospel of Jesus Christ that is being preached and taught). Therefore any enquiry or request as regards the Bible teachings accessible through this app should be sent to the North Point Ministries.