Are you an anxious person? Evaluate your level of Anxiety with the test!

Anxiety Test Screenshot
Anxiety Test Screenshot
5.2 ( 5 )
Mar 27, 2023
Discover psychological information about anxiety and take the test to measure your level of anxiety.

Do you feel anxiety in your day to day?

Do you have a personality prone to anxiety?

Do you want to evaluate your anxiety level to know if you have a problem?

Find out if you have anxiety problems by taking the test now!

Psychology defines anxiety as an emotion that is accompanied by physical and psychological symptoms and that can generate problems in the life of the person who suffers from it.

When an intensity is exceeded that makes it intolerable or when it hinders the person's ability to adapt, anxiety can affect daily life and can become a problem.

When anxiety is experienced with a very high intensity or produces discomfort and deficiencies in a person's life, that is when anxiety becomes pathological and dangerous. Elevated anxiety will affect the person in her physique, in her mind and in her behavior.

Are your anxiety levels normal? Take the test now and evaluate your anxiety!

If you are one of the many people who have anxiety problems you should know that with proper care you can overcome it. If you can't make anxiety completely disappear from your life, you can learn to control it.

In this application you will find a questionnaire to quantify your anxiety and an information section about anxiety. Among the information in the application you will find tips to overcome and control your anxiety and anxiety attacks.

Anxiety manifests itself in humans in different ways. You may experience physical, psychological, or behavioral symptoms. Here is a list of anxiety symptoms, read them carefully and if you feel recognized in them you should take the test to assess your anxiety.

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety:

Sweating, dry mouth, dizziness, unstable balance. Tremors, muscle tension, headaches. Tachycardia or pain in the heart.

Alteration of the respiratory rhythm. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation. Frequent urge to urinate, problems in sexual intercourse.

Psychological and behavioral symptoms:

Feeling of worry, anguish or overwhelmed. Fear of losing control, going crazy or feeling like you will die imminently.

Concentration difficulties or memory loss. Bad mood, nervousness, hopelessness. Avoidance of certain situations. Reduction or inhibition of body movements. Obsessions or compulsions.

Take the test now and find out if you have anxiety problems!