Handwritten notes of math for Competitive Exams.
SSC Mathematics Guide with Detail Explanations.
Mathematics Tricks.
Mental Mathematics Tricks.
Mathematics Important Formula.
Quantitative Aptitude Notes and Practice Set.
Quantitative Aptitude Notes
Rakesh Yadav Math Class Notes
Aptitude Math Concepts
Aptitude Test and Preparation
This app contains following chapters.
1. प्रतिशत (Percentage)
2. लाभ और हानि (Profit and Loss)
3. साधारण ब्याज (Simple Interest)
4. चक्रवृध्दि ब्याज (Compound Interest)
5. मिश्रण और अनुपात (Mixture and Ratio)
6. समय और काम (Time and Work)
7. पाइप और टंकी (Pipe and Cistern)
8. समय, दूरी और चाल (Time. Distance and Speed)
9. साझा (Partnership)
10. औसत (Average)
11. नाव और धारा (Boat and Stream)
12. अनुपात और समानुपात (Ratio and Proportion)