Arageek... comprehensive platform of educational digital information ..

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Arageek Screenshot
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Arageek Screenshot
Arageek Screenshot
Arageek Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Arageek ... a complete educational digital media platform, built by Arab minds and pens of the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf, contact you wherever you are .. respects your mind, giving you an intellectual product eager to be helpful different interesting .. Founded in November 2011, by bloggers Malad Madani and Imad Shams In London, the blog usually has many Arab bloggers from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf. Arageek is an abbreviation of the English expression: Arabic Geek or obsessed with technology, culture and science in general, and the person reading .. This name was chosen to express the quality of the discussions that are published in the magazine. The first and last goal of the magazine is the Arab reader and education through the correct information and smoothly, and his mind and respect his privacy, the editorial policy on which the entire magazine.

"This application is an individual and informal diligence of Arageek but the last thing to bring is issued through Arageek magazine immediately after its release."
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