Drawing is truly a tool for seeing
When you have developed your drawing skills, the finer details of a space, key features that you may not previously have noticed, will be revealed to you. Freehand drawing allows viewers to see in away they never have before. The sketching process is a means of expanding your creativity and awakening your senses.
The cumulative process of sketching always begins with studying the subject, whether it be a chair, an interior, or an entire building. It is about drawing what you see, not what you think you see,or what you already know as a chair, interior, or building. Think of it as seeing the subject for the first time.
Each exercise illustrates a different facet of this concept of seeing. As you move through the steps of each exercise, you will explore each subject in a new way, gaining the experience andconfidence to create expressive, thoughtful sketches that convey your personal interpretation of the subject.
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