Jaw-dropping MOBA with tinges of retro gameplay
With online combat in PvP mode as well as in teams of up to 3 players; your objective is essentially unvarying: destroy enemy bases as quick as you can. To do so, you'll need to effectively deploy unites to the battlefront. Management, in this sense, requires you select the right type of troop for each attack. Plus, you get a set of special skills, albeit they also consume a goodly amount of your power supply.
Each faction has a distinct set of units to deploy. That said, the strategic component in this game lies in adequately selecting which of the 10 factions to add to your deck. The more units you pick up, the higher the number of troops to send out into battle is.
Art of War: Red Tides is an outstanding multiplatform RTS game that along with strategic components; is also lined up to allow for cross platform editions including smartphones and PC play. All in all, a spectacular title in terms of graphics, it also has a sufficiently original premise that provides you with plenty of action packed, non-stop moments.