To take care of the people and the planet, while taking care of the business.

Atos Green Screenshot
Atos Green Screenshot
Atos Green Screenshot
Atos Green Screenshot
Atos Green Screenshot
Atos Green Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Atos Green, bringing a mobile digital experience to sustainability.
Atos Green provides users with resources to ensure the lowest possible environmental impact at their fingertips. It provides new insights to sustainability by gathering and combining large amounts of data from various sources. It is the perfect access point for customers to get qualitative and quantitative information of their operations.
The value add of Atos Green is access to key indicators, documentation, reports, news and contacts in a unified view, accessible anywhere and anytime. The visual representations of sustainability related information enable users to understand sustainability through a new, yet familiar perspective on their mobile devices.

Gamification Center of Atos Green lets user challenge themselves and earn points while helping the world become a greener place. Users are asked one question daily related to an eco-friendly task they can accomplish and will earn points for their efforts. They are provided with knowledge and tips that can be incorporated into daily activities with ease. It also provides a map view of the impact made by all users together in the world. By answering questions, accumulating points, and completing tasks – users will be able to level up and advance to the next stage of our gamification while competing with the rest of their Atos colleagues.

Access to all the insights and key achievements
Visual representation of key performance measures
Ability to access in-depth details of the data
Visibility on latest news, documentation and contacts.
Notification channels to keep users in the loop.
Gamification Center to challenge users on making sustainable changes to daily activities.

Flexibility and Mobility – Anywhere, anytime and any device
Excel on data-driven approach
Best in class User Experience