Blue Red & Gold Letter Edition of the Holy Bible or BRG Bible

BRG Bible Screenshot
BRG Bible Screenshot
BRG Bible Screenshot
BRG Bible Screenshot
BRG Bible Screenshot
BRG Bible Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
I John 5.7-8 "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one."

The Blue Red & Gold Letter Edition of the Holy Bible, or BRG Bible, could be called an advancement of the “Red Letter” Bible popular among many for over 110 years. Beginning with the King James Version, the original Red Letter Edition lifted the spoken words of Jesus off of the page by printing Jesus’ words in the color Red--the color of his blood. The BRG Bible advances this idea by printing in heaven’s color, Blue, the spoken, quotable words of God, the Father; continuing to print the spoken words of Jesus in his blood’s color, Red; and printing in the color of fire, Gold, the name Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit), and all references to His name including personal pronouns. With BRG Bible, the quotable words of God, the spoken words of Jesus, and the name of the Holy Ghost are lifted off the page to give a visual recognition to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, the foundation of Christian faith. Additional features include Blue underline for the dialogue of Angels & Heavenly Hosts and Red underline for messianic prophecy/ indicators of Jesus Christ.