Beeline yangi avlodning Beeline TV onlayn-kinoteatrini taqdim etadi!
Faqat Beeline abonentlari uchun! "Beeline TV" xizmatidan foydalanish uchun cheksiz trafik taqdim etiladi! Paketdagi internet-trafikni sarflamagan holda, Beeline TV ni tomosha qiling! Va internet xizmati uchun hisobingizdan hech qanday mablag 'sarflanmaydi!
Shuningdek Beeline TV uchun o'z hisobingizdan to'lash imkoniyati! Va xizmatga obuna bo’lish uchun maxsus bonusli narx amal qiladi! Yangi avlod xizmatidan cheksiz foydalanish uchun kunlik narxi 599 so'mdan boshlanadi!
Ilova orqali siz quyidagilani foydalanishingiz mumkin:
Bepul ro'yhatdan o'tish
Telekanallar, filmlar, konsertlar va seriallarning prevyusi
Telekanallarni kechiktirib tomosha qilish funksiyasi
Mobil ilovada tasvir sifatini tanlash imkoniyati
Ota-ona nazorati
Bir nechta profillarni yaratish imkoniyati
Interaktiv teledasturlarning eslatmasi
Beeline mobil tarmog'ida limitsiz internet-trafik.
Watch TV, thousands of films, TV series, cartoons and your favorite concerts as much as you want and don't worry about traffic! Beeline TV is a new generation online cinema with the ability to watch TV on air or in recording!
Only for Beeline subscribers! Unlimited traffic to Beeline TV service! Watch Beeline TV without consuming internet traffic from packages! And no debiting of funds from the balance for the Internet.
And also - the ability to pay for Beeline TV from your balance! And a special bonus price for a subscription to the service! From 599 soums per day for unlimited access to the new generation service!
Installation is free:
Preview of TV channels, films, concerts and series
Schedule TV function
Selecting image quality in the mobile application
Parental control
Unlimited internet traffic in Beeline mobile network