Harness Gretchen Rubin's Four Tendencies framework to create a better life.
Join people like you to:
+ Go deeper into topics related to Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies framework, with access to exclusive conversations, live chats, and the latest thinking.
+ Join Accountability Groups and Discussion Groups tailored to your specific Tendency, as crafted by Gretchen and her team.
+ Meet other Obligers, Questioners, Upholders, and Rebels to get support, encouragement, and ideas for navigating your Tendency—as well as navigating other people’s Tendencies.
Members of the Better app are exploring topics like:
+ Accountability
+ Building Habits
+ Achieving Goals
+ Better Health
+ Making Decisions
+ Love and Relationships
+ Productivity
+ Parenting
Learn more at www.BetterApp.us