Percentage calculator, easily calculate percentages.

CALPER: Percentage Calculator Screenshot
CALPER: Percentage Calculator Screenshot
CALPER: Percentage Calculator Screenshot
CALPER: Percentage Calculator Screenshot
CALPER: Percentage Calculator Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Need to Calculate Percentages? Download the easiest and lightest percentage calculator on the market for free to perform your calculations quickly and easily.

Simple Percentage Calculator

Perform simple calculations on a given amount to find out what the percentage of that amount is.

Increase and Decrease Percentages

Increase or decrease the percentage of a certain amount and get the final result.

Calculate Discount

Make the calculation easy and fast to know the price of a product already with the discount, how many times do we go to the supermarket and we want to know how much a product that has a discount will cost us? With this calculator you will know it in 1 second

Tip Calculator

Easily calculate the tip you should leave based on a percentage, but not only that you can also calculate the total of the bill divided by the number of diners.

Profit Percentage

You can also calculate the profit margin of a product and thus know what the final price is and what your profit will be.

Other Features

- Light application, weighs less than 3 mb.
- You do not need Internet to operate
- Constant improvements
- Free Application
- Easy to use interface
- History of calculations: with this option you will always have your calculations on hand to consult them later.

Download "Percentage Calculator" now, and perform all the above-mentioned percentage calculations easily.