Taxi cab, auto fares in 1100 cities across 102 countries, from 100s of companies
✓ Fares from 1100 cities, 102 countries
✓ Calculates travel distance and time automatically using Google Maps
✓ Displays day and night rates separately
✓ Provides fares in local unit of distance (km/mi) and currency
✓ Embeds Google Maps for quick preview
✓ Use GPS to detect your location for fare calculation
✓ Saves search history, with an option to delete
✓ Fares updated automatically as you use the app
The list of countries includes US, UK, India, Canada, France, Italy, China, Germany, Russia, New Zealand, UAE, Singapore and more.
Download Cabculator today and never try and guess your taxi fares or be cheated by the service provider ever again
Fares are approximate and are only meant to be indicative. Actual fares may vary. Always cross-check your rates before the commencement of the journey.