Stay at your ideal weight during pregnancy and follow up weekly!

Calculadora IMC Embarazada PRO Screenshot
Calculadora IMC Embarazada PRO Screenshot
Calculadora IMC Embarazada PRO Screenshot
Calculadora IMC Embarazada PRO Screenshot
Calculadora IMC Embarazada PRO Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
What is BMI?

BMI is your Body Mass Index. Through a mathematical calculation you find out if you are above, below or within your ideal weight.

Our application is simple and very easy to use, by filling in just 3 fields with the requested information (weight, height, how many weeks of pregnancy) it will show you the result of this calculation, informing you of your BMI and if you are above, below or within your ideal weight.

The app even has a specific tab for you who want to check your weight on a weekly basis during pregnancy.

This application was developed for pregnant women, in this case it does not calculate the BMI for men and non-pregnant women.