Pocket Trainer: BMI Calculator, Calorie Calculator, Body Fat Calculator and more

Calorie & BMI Calculator Plus Screenshot
Calorie & BMI Calculator Plus Screenshot
Calorie & BMI Calculator Plus Screenshot
Calorie & BMI Calculator Plus Screenshot
Calorie & BMI Calculator Plus Screenshot
Calorie & BMI Calculator Plus Screenshot
Calorie & BMI Calculator Plus Screenshot
Calorie & BMI Calculator Plus Screenshot
Calorie Calculator 2.18 ( 18 )
Mar 27, 2023
Pocket Trainer includes many features to help you with your weight loss and fitness goals.

Track your weight, body mass index (BMI) and body fat percent
Calorie Calculator & Activity Specific Calorie Calculator
Body Fat Calculator
BMI Calculator
Running Pace Calculator
Metric / Imperial Conversion Calculator that allows you to convert between common metric and imperial units in several different categories:
• Distances: Convert between KM, Meters, Yards, Miles and Athletic Track laps
• Volume: Convert between Liters, US Gallons, US Quarts, US Cups and US Fluid Ounces
• Weight: Convert between Kilograms, Grams, Pounds and Ounces

How can a calorie calculator help me?

A calorie calculator will help you estimate the number of calories you need for weight maintenance, weight loss, or weight gain. Studies have shown that individuals who use digital tracking such as calorie calculators and counters as part of their weight-loss strategy tend to lose more weight than those who do not. Physical activity is the biggest variable of the calories you burn in a day. The calories you burn through exercise—such as running, cycling, weightlifting, and other daily activities—is determined by the duration and intensity of the activity and body size. Exercise performed for longer periods and at a higher intensity level burns more calories. Additionally, a larger person can burn more calories for the same activity in comparison to a smaller person.

How do I use a calorie calculator for weight loss?

You can use the calorie calculator to help you lose weight by first calculating the calories you need to maintain your current wait, then accounting for the calories you burn during exercise. Subtract 250-500 calories from that number to create your weight-loss goal. Many think that subtracting more calories will lead to even more weight loss; this may be true initially, but it will set you up for unhealthy results such as fatigue, nutrient deficiencies, and loss of lean body mass. Over-restricting your calories can lead to overconsumption later on. Additionally, the loss of lean body mass can eventually lead to a lowered metabolic rate. A slower long-term approach is more beneficial to achieving sustainable goals. In addition to tracking your calorie intake, burning more calories than you consume is another important part of weight loss. The best way to burn more calories is to stay active and to make sure you maintain lean body mass, as muscle burns more calories even at rest than fat does. Your physical activity determines your daily calorie expenditure by the duration, intensity, and method of the exercise you perform. Some activities like running may burn more than other exercises such as walking, but intensity and duration are the keys. This is where our Activity Specific Calorie Counter comes in handy. You can use this to identify higher intensity, longer activities which will burn more calories than less intense, shorter activities