Ads-Free Chakra Activation Music and Solfeggio tones.
Chakra Meditation involves using sound vibrations to improve the balance and flow of vital energy in our body. A smooth flow of vital energy leads to good mental and physical health. The resonant tones target 7 vital nodes along the spinal chord that is associated with various behaviors and imbalances. These time-tested sounds and frequencies will:
* Help you meditate
* Relax your mind and body
* Cure sleep disorders
* Help quit bad habits
* Rectify body imbalances
* Improve mental & physical health
Ancient Vedic mantra technology recorded using sophisticated modern recording techniques. Beautiful choirs, overtones create a complex and harmonically rich environment. Chant the sounds of the chakras and awaken your latent Kundalini energy.
Chakras included in this app:
Muladhara : The root chakra : music + 396[Hz] solfeggio wave
Svadhisthana : The sacral chakra : music + 417[Hz] solfeggio wave
Manipura : The solar plexus chakra : music + 528[Hz] solfeggio wave
Anahata : The heart chakra : music + 639[Hz] solfeggio wave
Vishuddha : The throat chakra : music + 741[Hz] solfeggio wave
Ajna : The third eye chakra : music + 852[Hz] solfeggio wave
Sahasrara : The crown chakra : music + 963[Hz] solfeggio wave
Chakras and meditation frequencies information and description.