Spiritual vedic meditation for Kundalini energy and Chakra cleansing.

Chakra Meditation System : Kundalini Awakening Screenshot
Chakra Meditation System : Kundalini Awakening Screenshot
Chakra Meditation System : Kundalini Awakening Screenshot
Chakra Meditation System : Kundalini Awakening Screenshot
Chakra Meditation System : Kundalini Awakening Screenshot
Chakra Meditation System : Kundalini Awakening Screenshot
Chakra Meditation System : Kundalini Awakening Screenshot
Chakra Meditation System : Kundalini Awakening Screenshot
3.0 ( 3 )
Mar 27, 2023
Chakras are our energy centers. The channels through which and out of our aura of life energy flows. The task of the chakras is to fill physical body with vivacity and promote the development of our consciousness. Through regular meditation on the chakras you will find balance and learn to create harmony.

Chakra Meditation involves using sound vibrations to improve the balance and flow of vital energy in our body. A smooth flow of vital energy leads to good mental and physical health. The resonant tones target 7 vital nodes along the spinal chord that is associated with various behaviors and imbalances. These time-tested sounds and frequencies will:

* Help you meditate
* Relax your mind and body
* Cure sleep disorders
* Help quit bad habits
* Rectify body imbalances
* Improve mental & physical health

Ancient Vedic mantra technology recorded using sophisticated modern recording techniques. Beautiful choirs, overtones create a complex and harmonically rich environment. Chant the sounds of the chakras and awaken your latent Kundalini energy.

Chakras included in this app:
Muladhara : The root chakra
Svadhisthana : The sacral chakra
Manipura : The solar plexus chakra
Anahata : The heart chakra
Vishuddha : The throat chakra
Ajna : The third eye chakra
Sahasrara : The crown chakra