Ask AI to write anything, powered by ChatGPT 3.5 and GPT 4 model Assistant.
OpenGPT app enables you to chat with a Generative Pre-Trained Transformer ( GPT ) - an GPT-3.5 AI chatbot from the comfort of your Android phone.
GPT is a Large Language Model designed to engage in natural chat with you so you can just go ahead and start chatting. Talk to it about anything - be it the jobs of future, or ideas about how to have a birthday party or just ask it to write a poem or tell you a story.
If you are looking for a smart AI helper which can assist you in anything, give AI ChatBot, a try. It's the perfect AI app for anyone who strives to have engaging conversations or improve their writing skills
* This app is not officially affiliated to any third-party, any other app or company in any way, nor does it represent to do so. This app only provides a mobile interface to interact with AI Chatbot.
* This is not Chat GPT, this is only a program built on public open source OpenAI's GPT model.
* We do not collect or save any data used in the app.