Find your hotel. Make your offer. The trip you dream of at the price you want!

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CiaoCiao Travels Screenshot
CiaoCiao Travels Screenshot
CiaoCiao Travels Screenshot
CiaoCiao Travels Screenshot
CiaoCiao Travels Screenshot
CiaoCiao Travels Screenshot
CiaoCiao Travels Screenshot
CiaoCiao Travels Screenshot
CiaoCiao Travels Screenshot
CiaoCiao Travels Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
-Who we are
We're Italian
We are an all-Italian StartUp and we want to become the platform for booking Italian hotels. We are based in Italy and this is where we will stay! We invoice and pay our taxes in Italy, just like you, because we think this is the right way to help tourism and the "Italian System".

-We are dynamic and fun
Booking with us is a bit like playing, your resourcefulness in proposing a price and the dynamism of the Hotelier in accepting your offer or making you an interesting counter-offer will lead to a convenient sale for both of you.
We introduce "negotiation" in the booking activity by reversing the approach between traveler and hotel because you will be the one to send to the structure, with a simple click, an offer at a slightly lower price than the requested rate.

-We are affordable
It suits you Traveler, if you book with us you will pay a price that is always lower than what you would pay by booking with any other OTA (Online Travel Agency), it seems incredible but you will discover that it is!
It suits you Hotelier, because we ask you for the lowest Fee on the market (never more than 9%) and we will propose campaigns aimed at zeroing our commissions.
We want to be your "fair, fair and reliable partner" who helps you reduce unsold items.

-We are many and we will always be more
We already host on our platform over 20,000 structures (Hotels and Agritourisms) present throughout the national territory * but we plan to open up to non-hotel accommodation to reach 100,000.
Complete your totally free registration to become a simple "Protagonist" guest, receiving greater visibility and increasing your sales.
* Except: Molise Region; Provinces of Bolzano, Rieti