A fun game to test your tapping speed and eye movement.
• Multiplying: Tap on the candy with the correct answer to the provided multiplication question! Don't tap the wrong candy, or else you will be deducted 10 points!
• Missing Letter: Test out your English vocabulary skills by tapping on the candy with the correct letter to fill in the blank. If you miss it, you will lose 10 points!
• Hiragana: Polish up your Japanese hiragana skills by tapping on the correct hiragana. Can you make it to the end without making any mistakes?
• Night mode to help your eye muscles relax
• Score and high score to incite your competitive spirit
• Three game modes to choose from, and more to be added!
• Three sound tracks to choose from!
• Different ball bouncing speeds -- start from the lowest to the highest to train your eye movement!
Music by: https://www.bensound.com