ClockInstant is a staff time tracking solution with automated reporting

ClockInstant Screenshot
ClockInstant Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Automated Staff Time Tracking

ClockInstant is a staff time tracking solution which automates reports ready to be sent to payroll without you lifting a finger. It makes use of Bluetooth Beacon technology and a mobile app to allow your staff to clock in and out. The software then collects and organises the data into a neat report. It automatically calculates and displays Normal Time, Overtime and Sunday based on the rules you choose.

How it works:

You place your Bluetooth Beacon at your work site
Your staff clock in and out when they arrive and leave work on their ClockInstant App (Note: staff must be within 5 metres of the beacon)
The software collects and organises your staff time data and displays it on your web portal in real-time
You export the data for a particular time period to excel and send to Payroll

Please note: You must visit or email to order beacons and allow for set up