The Alibaba Cloud Pin app enables all the fun features your Cloud Pin offers.

Cloud Pin Screenshot
Cloud Pin Screenshot
Cloud Pin Screenshot
Cloud Pin Screenshot
Cloud Pin Screenshot
Cloud Pin Screenshot
Cloud Pin Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
The Alibaba Cloud Pin app is an essential part of the Cloud Pin experience. Connected to the Cloud Pin hardware via Bluetooth, this app enables all the fun features your Cloud Pin offers.
First-Ever Cloud Pin:
Alibaba Cloud Pin is the first-ever cloud powered digital pin. With this app, you can choose among the 33 Pin Artworks inspired by the 33 sports of Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, and download the selected artwork onto your Cloud Pin. Initially, 5 of the 33 artworks are unlocked and ready to download, the remaining 28 artworks can be unlocked by tapping pins and making more friends, with every 5 new friends added, 1 Pin Artwork will be unlocked
Tapping Cloud Pins to Make New Friends:
Simply hold up your 2 Cloud Pins back-to-back and …tap! You and the other user are now connected as friends. You can check the friend list and their social network info with this app.
A Digital Name Tag:
Your Cloud Pin can be used as a digital name tag. Simply enter your name on this app, you can then choose whether or not to show your name on Cloud Pin's display.
Check Your Achievements during Tokyo 2020:
With this app, you can easily keep track of your achievements, such as the number of unlocked Pin Artworks, friends added, steps, and achievement level.