Conquian is a 2-3 player game very popular within the Mexican community.

Conquian SP Screenshot
Conquian SP Screenshot
Conquian SP Screenshot
Conquian SP Screenshot
Conquian SP Screenshot
Conquian SP Screenshot
Conquian SP Screenshot
1.2.2 ( 5 )
Mar 27, 2023
This version of Conquian does not require internet access.

Conquian is a 2-3 player game that derives from the game Rummy. It is very popular within the Mexican community.

This version of Conquian features concepts like melding, forcing, and a carry-over wager for games that end in a tie. It is played with a Spanish deck (no 8's or 9's), and includes both the 8 card (to win with 9) and 9 card (to win with 10) versions of the game.

Immerse yourself into a very competitive and strategic, but also fun and entertaining Conquian experience in a Cantina environment wherein you will also have the ability to choose an Allegiance to play for; developed with an emphasis on single player play (no internet access required to play), play not only for yourself but for your country and demonstrate who the best Conquian players in the world are!