Download Couple App DEMO ONLY APK for Android - Free - Latest Version

Couple App DEMO ONLY Screenshot
Couple App DEMO ONLY Screenshot
Couple App DEMO ONLY Screenshot
Couple App DEMO ONLY Screenshot
Couple App DEMO ONLY Screenshot
Couple App DEMO ONLY Screenshot
Couple App DEMO ONLY Screenshot
Couple App DEMO ONLY Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
This is a unique app since most of apps offer business app, website to app and etc.
I offer this to couples, lovers,and partners who are in the digital/mobile age.
Having this app is quite unique because only you and your partner have this app installed on your smartphones.
This app is cheesy but worth having. If you are interested I will need to have a photo of you and your love one.
Choose the best couple picture that you have
as I will be using it for the main page.

A.Social Media Accounts
You can monitor or check your partners' social account updates
** 3(three) social media accounts ONLY
**Facebook,Twitter and Instagram etc
[What i need from you]
-You and your partners social media profile links

B.Call button functions
The call button is used to display the phone dialer filled in with a specific telephone number.
This will allow you to contact your partner with a single click.
**Two(2) contact numbers only
[What i need from you]
-You and your partners' contact number

C. Built in Audio/Music Player(offline player)
Listen to your top/favorite/theme songs
I can also add your own recordings. Be it a sweet message, or a song for him or her.
** You will only have 10(ten audio) mp3 files
** each mp3 file must not exceed 10 mb
** Customized backgroud image for the player
[What i need from you]
-Audio files should be sent to me in zipped file.

D. Love map :)
You can mark or pin the locations of your memorable places as a couple
ex. the place you two first met, the place you had your first date, and etc.
The love map lets you display your memorable locations on an interactive map as you may get directions
if you want to visit those memorable places again.
[What i need from you]
-The address or name of the place, let google map help you with this.
-If you happen to know the longtitude or latitude of the place, then that would be freaking awesome :)

E. Photo Gallery (offline)
Add your TOP 10 favorite pictures.
Add title and description of the photo(optional).
Images can be zoomed.
** 10(ten) photos only with the basic gig
[What i need from you]
-Send to me all photos all in jpeg format and in zipped file.

F. Custom Page (1 Page Only)
You can add personalized messages, relationship Do's and don't's , love contract, and etc.
** Plain text with your preferred background color.
** You may also add photos to be more personalized.
Can be upgraded to CHAT BOX

just send me a mail :)