The Three Delivery Forms of Immunoglobulins - in Augmented Reality.

CubeSpecialisten Screenshot
CubeSpecialisten Screenshot
CubeSpecialisten Screenshot
CubeSpecialisten Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
About the app
The 'Cube for Medical Specialists' gives medical specialists more insight into the three administration forms of immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulins can be administered in a number of rare conditions, such as congenital and acquired immune deficiencies. The choice of administration form can be tailored to the needs and capabilities of the individual patient. With the help of Augmented Reality, the characteristics of the different administration forms are explained.

More information
This app has been developed and made available by Takeda Nederland B.V. Takeda believes it is important that information about certain conditions and medicines is explained clearly and understandably. This app is meant to contribute to that. The use of the app is anonymous; this app does not collect or transmit any personal data. Permission to use the camera is requested once, this is necessary to allow the information about the dosage forms to come to life.

This app is by no means intended to provide treatment advice.

To ensure that this app is only used by medical specialists, you need a pin code for use. You can request this via, stating "CubeSpecialisten app". You can also make an appointment for a demonstration of the app via this route, completely free of charge.

C-APROM / NL / IG / 0024 - March 2021