Your DAK ePA app - the electronic patient record of DAK-Gesundheit

DAK ePA Screenshot
DAK ePA Screenshot
DAK ePA Screenshot
DAK ePA Screenshot
DAK ePA Screenshot
DAK ePA Screenshot
DAK ePA Screenshot
DAK ePA Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Doctor's letters, prescriptions, X-rays, surgical reports - in the course of a lifetime a lot of data about one's own health accumulates. With the electronic patient record, or ePA for short, you will be able to save and manage this digitally in the future. So that you can use the ePA mobile on your smartphone, we offer our customers the DAK ePA app.

Please note that you have to register yourself for the ePA - existing access to digital services of the DAK-G does not apply.

What is the EPR?

The ePA is a protected repository for health data and medical documents. There you can save and manage your data bundled in one place and determine yourself who has access to it. With your consent, your doctors can file findings and reports on the EPR. The EPR is free and voluntary

What is the DAK ePA app?

The DAK ePA app is a mobile application that helps you use and manage your ePA data yourself. The app is free and ad-free. The collected data is available to you anytime and anywhere.

What can the EPR do?

In the EPR you can save, delete and manage information about your own health. You can assign read permissions and enable your treating doctors and hospitals to upload data there for you.
These data can be:

• Laboratory results
• Therapy and treatment reports
• Findings or diagnoses
• Doctor's letters
• Medication plan and emergency data
With the ePA versions from v 2.0 you can now:

• Set up a representative for your EPR or become a representative yourself
• Use an electronic maternity record, children's U-booklets, dental bonus information or a vaccination card
• Import data from our Vivy electronic health record
• display a performance report for the last few years
• Take previously used patient files from another health insurance company with you when switching to DAK.

What are the advantages of the EPR?

• With the ePA you have your personal medical data bundled and ready to hand in one place.
• You have an overview of your medical data yourself and decide who is allowed to save or view which data in your file.
• General practitioners, specialists, hospitals and patients are networked with one another.
• The transfer of doctor's letters and medication prescriptions is quick and easy.
• Your medical treatments will be more targeted and better coordinated. Double treatments are avoided.

How can I use the DAK ePA app?

You need an activation code so that you can use the DAK ePA app - and therefore also your ePA. You can currently only obtain this activation code from a DAK Gesundheit service center. You can find a service center near you at under Contact / Service Centers.

How safe is my data?

The security of your data is very important to us and we do everything to ensure that it is protected. The servers for storing the data are in Germany and are subject to strict European data protection regulations. In addition, everyone involved in the ePA must go through extensive certification processes.

Background - good to know

From January 1, 2021, all statutory health insurances must offer their insured persons the ePA. The connection of the doctor's practices and hospitals will take place step by step. Please ask your practice / institution whether it is already connected to the EPR.
However, you can already save your own medical documents and data in the EPR.

You can see the explanation of the accessibility of the app at