The TOP OFC Pineapple Poker!
# Each player is given 50K initial chips.
# More than 500K chips task reward.
# Even more event chips reward every week!
# Play with your own friends in Private Room.
# Supports Pineapple and Fantansyland mode.
# In Pineapple mode each game starts off with every player being dealt 5 starting cards, which can be placed in any combination across the top, middle and bottom of the board. Once the initial cards are set, each player is then dealt 3 cards – setting 2 and discarding 1 to fill the remaining 8 positions. By the end of each game, players will have formed the 3-5-5 card format.
# In the Fantasyland, the player receives all 14 cards at once in the beginning. The Player has to select 13 cards and discard 1 card to set a hand. When all players finish, they show their hands and compare with other players. If you have a Three of A Kind in top or at least a Four of A Kind in bottom, you will enter Fantasyland again.
Play poker, have fun and make friends in DH Pineapple Poker!