Don't spend any more money on commercial face masks + find out your skin type!

DIY Face Masks and Skin Type Quiz Screenshot
DIY Face Masks and Skin Type Quiz Screenshot
DIY Face Masks and Skin Type Quiz Screenshot
DIY Face Masks and Skin Type Quiz Screenshot
DIY Face Masks and Skin Type Quiz Screenshot
DIY Face Masks and Skin Type Quiz Screenshot
DIY Face Masks and Skin Type Quiz Screenshot
DIY Face Masks and Skin Type Quiz Screenshot
DIY Face Masks and Skin Type Quiz Screenshot
Version ( 10000 )
Mar 27, 2023
Don't spend any more money on commercial face masks!

'Face Masks and Skin Type Quiz' brings you chosen home recipes face masks for acne-prone skin. You can make really effective and safe masks yourself and avoid possible toxic elements such as sulfates and preserving agents that are used in commercial masks. All of these recipes contain 2-3 ingredients that can be easily obtained in the nearby market.

BONUS: Skin Type Quiz. If you are not aware of your skin type, this is one easy way to find it out. Knowing your skin type is important step in choosing right skincare routine and products. As you know, not all skins are equal, and one product, that's beneficial for one skin type, can hurt other skin type.

With our skin type test, you'll find out within few minutes whether your skin is resistant or sensitive, pigmented or not, and the condition of your acne. At the end, you'll get a simple report (short or long, per your wish) and a link to recommended products for your type of skin.

App features:

✔ 19 DIY face masks recipes
✔ Skin Type Quiz to determine your skin type and acne condition.

More about best acne face washes can be found on this app's developer website,