Daily Book - Easy Calculate Income Expense,Daily Simple Calculation,DiaryNote
Based on the data entered, you can instantly see your expense by category and changes between each month. And you can see change of your assets and income/expense indicated by a graph as well.
-Secure Pattern Login System
-Intuitive and easy to use user interface.
-User can also add, edit or delete income / expense category based on their requirements.
-Add Income/Expense day by day.
-15+ Predefined list of default income / expense category such as salary, rent, shopping, loan etc.
-Update/Delete incorrect Income/Expense record.
- Pie Chart for expense/income your history.
-Export CSV excel report for better analyze your Income/Expenses.
-Daily reminder for enter transaction via notification.
-User can easily search by month & Year.
-For extra security Such as Pattern Lock.
-User can write daily Diary Note.
-12+ Predefined daily Calculation such as, Percentage, Tips, Covert Currency, BMI, Loan, Salary, Age, Date difference, Time Difference etc.