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The latest and hottest local news, breaking news, and national news-when you turn on your phone, you can quickly get local news, crime news, political news, entertainment news, sports news and other hottest Indonesian local news directly through DailyBuckz.
Follow Indonesian headlines, such as national news, sports, lifestyle, crime and traffic. The hottest local news is at your fingertips, covering everything from technology to local weather forecasts. Get local news, connect with local communities, and make your life better. Colorful!
Do you have any celebrity news that you really follow? Political news? Business news? DailyBuckz update and push quickly according to your concerns and preferences to ensure that you understand the hottest news in real time!
DailyBuckz lets you enjoy a safer and fresher life! Whether it's big news about local politics and the economy, or about the lifestyles we care about, popular events, celebrity gossip and special reports, or even the latest and hottest news in Indonesia, as long as you open DailyBuckz and click through, you can browse local News, national news and world news that interest you.
Why choose DailyBuckz?
DailyBuckz is a local area-focused real-time update news platform. News comes from Indonesia's most trusted news platform, bringing you real-time news events and rich local stories!
According to your interests and concerns, DailyBuckz will bring you the latest and hottest local Indonesian news, local special reports, and world news in real time, so you can know the world without having to go out!
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