Digimon Data Squad is the anime series that has its version for Android in this video game where we will introduce ourselves in the world of these creatures
Digimon's fifth series is Data Squad, and it has its own video game version for Android. This version is based on that story, three years after Digimon Frontier. It will fully immerse us in its locations with characters like Kai Kamiya and Tai Kamiya, among others that we can choose from at the beginning of the game.
An open-world set in DigimonIt offers us an open world where we can move around freely, thanks to the simple game mechanics. We will be able to interact with our environment and the characters we meet. By doing so, we will take new missions and discover the mysteries of the Digital World as we engage in combat with our enemies. However, we will not take part in these battles directly, but rather watch them. Now, as we play, we can choose what skills we want for our Digimon.
In the scenario, we will see other users fulfilling their own missions, you can also interact with them.