Have ever overslept because you snoozed your alarm clock?
This app prevents you from oversleeping by forcing you to use passcode combinations to turn your wake-up alarm off.
---== How To Use ==---
1. Set your wake-up alarm
2. When alarm triggers, pick up your Android and Unlock it.
3. Alarm will be turned off if only your entered the passcode combination correctly.
---== Dot Lock Feature ==---
★ Choose either 9-dots or 16-dots lock
★ 4-Digit number lock.
★ Connect the Dots to add extra level of alarm security!
---== Awesome Features ==---
★ Cool LCD display: Blue, Cyan, Green, Orange, Pink, Red and Yellow
★ Landscape and Portrait modes
★ 12 / 24 hours format
★ Local Weather Display
★ Use your OWN MUSIC or Playlist as alarm.
★ Various built-in alarm tone