Web3 Fitness Game

EZZY Game Screenshot
EZZY Game Screenshot
EZZY Game Screenshot
EZZY Game Screenshot
EZZY Game Screenshot
EZZY Game Screenshot
EZZY Game Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
EZZY is a fitness game with Web3 elements. It helps you get EZY gaming tokens for walking or jogging in the open air or even for playing a simple game without leaving your home.

EZZY has no complex and unnecessary GameFi mechanics. All you need is Sneakers that help you get EZY tokens for walking outside or playing a game using the special algorithm.

EZY’s key features:

• It's enough to simply walk for 10 minutes everyday at a speed of 2-20 kilometres per hour.
• You don’t have to walk — play a game if you want to stay at home.
• Invite to get Rewarded — invite your friends and acquaintances to workout with you and get Sneakers as a gift.
• Try-and-Play — try it right after registering.

Walk breezy — get EZY!