Real time earthquake alerts on your smartphone
Main features:
- Earthquake early warnings
- User's reports on felt earthquakes
- Earthquake data from national and international seismic networks starting from magnitude 0.0
- Earthquake notifications through voice synthesizer (only PRO version)
The Earthquake Network research project develops a smartphone-based earthquake early warning system able to detect earthquakes in real time and to alert the population in advance. Smartphones are able to detect earthquakes thanks to the accelerometer on-board each device. When an earthquake is detected, users with the application installed are immediatly alerted. Since earthquake waves travel at a finite speed (from 5 to 10 km/s) it is possible to alert the population not yet reached by the damaging waves of the earthquake. For the scientific details about the project please refer to the Frontiers scientific journal at
Note that the information on earthquakes detected by national and international seismic networks is usually published with a delay ranging from a few minutes to many hours, depending on the seismic network.