Eczema is a group of diseases that results in inflammation of the skin.

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Eczema Info Screenshot
Eczema Info Screenshot
Eczema Info Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Eczema is a group of skin conditions that includes atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis and stasis dermatitis. The exact cause of eczema is often unclear.

Cases may involve a combination of irritation, allergy and poor venous return. The type of eczema is generally determined by the person's history and the location of the rash. For example, irritant eczema often occurs on the hands of people who frequently get them wet. Allergic contact eczema occurs upon exposure to an allergen, causing a hypersensitivity reaction in the skin.

Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is a group of diseases that results in inflammation of the skin. These diseases are characterized by itchiness, red skin and a rash. In cases of short duration, there may be small blisters, while in long-term cases the skin may become thickened. The area of skin involved can vary from small to the entire body.