A guide to eyebrow makeup for the natural look.

Eyebrow Makeup Tutorial Screenshot
Eyebrow Makeup Tutorial Screenshot
Eyebrow Makeup Tutorial Screenshot
Eyebrow Makeup Tutorial Screenshot
Eyebrow Makeup Tutorial Screenshot
Eyebrow Makeup Tutorial Screenshot
Eyebrow Makeup Tutorial Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Eyebrow Makeup Step by Step

A guide to eyebrow makeup for the natural look.

Forgot to go to the salon and get your eyebrows threaded? Relax. It’s not the end of the world. This eyebrow makeup step by step tutorial will teach you the basics of eyebrow threading.

Whether you want a basic, natural look for your eyebrow or add something a little makeup, eyebrow makeup step by step are a great way to learn tricks of the beauty trade. With a few tools, some practice, and the ability to blend in makeup with your fingertips, you’ll be an eyebrow makeup pro in no time. Even if you’re just a beginner, you’ll find eyebrow makeup step by step tutorials to be simple and thorough. Putting on a fresh, pretty face of makeup is actually quite an art. If you want it to, eyebrow makeup step by step can do magical things, completely transforming your face, or simply enhancing your features.

Here are some tips for your eyebrow makeup step by step:

- Determine the ending points for your eyebrow.
Similarly, you need to figure out where your brows should end. Hold the pencil diagonally from the outermost part of your nostril to your temples. The place where the pencil extends past your eye, at point C is where your eyebrows should ideally end.

- Picking out the perfect color.
Make sure that the pencil and powder you are using is not too dark. The conventional rule is to go for two shades lighter than your hair color if you have dark hair and two shades darker if you have light hair. And if you’re a ginger, it’s best to go for a brown or dark brown.

- Determine the starting points for your eyebrow.
It is important to figure out and correct the shape of your brows before you start filling them in. You can do that with the help of a brow pencil. To begin with, place the pencil in a vertical line against the outermost part of your nostril. Start shaping from the place where the pencil touches your eyebrow at point A.